Kaimono: 100% Imported from Japan Kaimono: 100% Imported from Japan
Kaimono is not only importing all goods from Japan but is also bringing them in real time.
100% goods of Kaimono are imported from Japan. These goods are manufactured in various countries by Japanese companies and are brought to Japan for Japanese customers. Each good goes though a rigorous check on quality in Japan during importation hence assuring the true meaning of Japanese Quality.
Our supply chain management team is working constantly to reduce the time lag between availability in Japan and in Nepal. In order to synchronize the timings, most of these products are flown directly from Japan via our Nepal Airlines (thanks to the direct flight). We want to make our products available to our Nepalese customers at the same time as they are sold in Japan. This reinforces Kaimono as the only brand in Nepal that is truly dedicated to Japan.
Kaimono is not only importing all goods from Japan but is also bringing them in real time.
100% goods of Kaimono are imported from Japan. These goods are manufactured in various countries by Japanese companies and are brought to Japan for Japanese customers. Each good goes though a rigorous check on quality in Japan during importation hence assuring the true meaning of Japanese Quality.
Our supply chain management team is working constantly to reduce the time lag between availability in Japan and in Nepal. In order to synchronize the timings, most of these products are flown directly from Japan via our Nepal Airlines (thanks to the direct flight). We want to make our products available to our Nepalese customers at the same time as they are sold in Japan. This reinforces Kaimono as the only brand in Nepal that is truly dedicated to Japan.